Ballantrae Community Association
We are responsible for the Operation and Management of the Ballantrae Community Hall. We also run events such as Craft Fairs, Gala Day and the Annual Fireworks Display in November.
Annual Affiliation 2024/2025
• The annual fee for affiliation is £75. This will give your group access to Ballantrae Community Hall for all your regular meetings and club activities.
• All meetings should be booked in advance with the Community Association bookings Secretary.
• The Affiliation form must be completed at the beginning of January each year.
• Your affiliation fees are due on 1st September each year and must be paid before the end of September
• All fund raising events in the hall which your group carries out will be charged in addition to your affiliation fees at the reduced rate for affiliated groups.
• No business may operate under the hall affiliation program, any event run for personal gain/profit must be booked under an hourly rental agreement.
Details of current charges can be found on the hall booking form.
• As part of your affiliation you must ensure that a member of your group attends quarterly Community Association meetings.
• If your group is not taking a stall at Gala, we ask that you give a raffle prize or a donation of not less than the cost of a stall at the Gala.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on the email below.
Contact us